A .NU domain can be any length, from 1 to 65 characters. And Regardless of how long or short your domain name is, you will be charged
the same price of only 15.98 euro per year. There is no extra fee for having a "premium" domain.
Unique. Remember when there was only .com, .net, .org? There are
now over 800 Top Level Domains live on the web, with more being
added every day. If you want stability and trust, choose the original
"new" Top Level Domain, .nu, online since 1997. Don't get lost
in the crowd.
Many names still available. .NU offers one of the world’s best
and largest pool of domain names and are available to anyone anywhere in the world. There is no restricition that you must be
in a certain country.
A .NU domain is fit for anyone and perfect for businesses, associations,
campaigns and creative people. And why not for the family?
Be new now. If you wish to promote anything for the Swedish, Danish,
Norwegian or Dutch market, .nu also has a meaning in itself.
“Nu” means "now" and is perfect for your own life event or your
company’s campaign.
Privacy. Your data is kept safe and secure, protected by the strongest
privacy laws in the world. Registrant data for all individuals is kept
completely private.
Protect the environment. When you register a .nu domain at
nunames, you are supporting our Solar Energy Initiative. All of our
servers are powered by green energy.