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ID numbers now required by registry regulations

When registering a new domain name, additional information is required by some Top Level Domains.

At nunames, we value your privacy and personal rights. We strive to create the best user experience we can while maintaining the expectations of governing bodies and international law.

For the .NU and .SE Top Level Domains, according to registry regulations, only entities posessing a Personal Identity Number (Personnummer) or Corporate/Organization ID number may register a NU domain and this number must be provided. For details, please refer to sections 3.1.1 and 4.1.1.ii of the .NU Terms and Conditions.

For private individuals, the required Personal ID number is known as one's Personnummer in Sweden, CPR number in Denmark, BSN number in the Netherlands, one's National Identity Number in Norway, or a BN number for residents of Canada.

In addition, all other customer contact information must be complete, correct, and correctly formatted. If your information is not valid, your registration may fail.

Please ensure that all data in your account is correct before attempting to register a new .NU domain name. If you are a Swedish resident or represent a Swedish organization, your personal or organization ID number must be present in your account and is currently required. Validation and verification for residents of other countries will soon be implemented, so it is best to supply your ID number now.

Before registering a new .NU domain name for the first time, please create an account and make sure that your Personal ID Number has been entered. New .NU registration attempts made without being logged in to your account and without this number being entered will fail.

To add your Personal or Corporate ID number, after logging in to your Customer Area:

  • Click on the 'Profile' menu tab
  • For all contacts listed, click on 'update' in the contacts area
  • Click on the 'TLD Specific' tab for that contact
  • Scroll down to IISNU.
  • Enter your ID number.

    For Swedish residents, the number should be of the form:


    For non-Swedish residents, the form should be:


    where CC is the two-letter country-code (“Alpha-2 code”) for your country and nnnnnnnn is your unique, identifying sequence of numbers or letters – for example, your national ID number.


    Denmark: [DK]ddmmyy-nnnn

    Norway: [NO]ddmmyy-nnnkk

    Finland: [FI]ddmmåå-nnnk or [FI]ddmmååannnk

    If you are using an organization number instead of a personal ID number, the format may be different.

Once your Personal ID Number (Personnummer) or Corporate ID Number has been entered and you are logged in to your account, you may succesfully register new .NU domain names without error.